Winter + Holiday 2023 Home Fragrance Trend Tracker

There are so many launches building up to the festive season – more than 250 new scents were recorded in the TrendAroma New Product Trend Report for Home Fragrance in December 2023. The season starts going crazy in November as the fall launches are replaced with holiday and winter launches.

Christmas or holiday 2023 was all about happiness, fun and decadent treats, whereas the launches that are due to stretch through Winter going into 2024 were embracing an up-scaled version of warmth – we still have glowing fireside notes but interlaced with some of the year’s hottest trend themes, whilst nature embraced both its blue and green side and new notes emerged to celebrate the fresh and frozen!


Trend Tracker Reports are designed to give fragrance teams key insights into current trends alongside a recap of the previous season from the year before. The ‘What’s new’ slide is an insightful overview into the main market drivers before an in-depth look with supporting product launches through the curated trend stories for the season.

Designed to give perfumers, evaluators, marketers and sales teams key insights into what trend themes are evolving the market and a focused analysis into olfactive preferences shaping the home fragrance and air care sector for consumers.



Whimsy has gone full out loud fantasy with fun themes and concepts for Christmas 2023. Elves and reindeer features heavily as does Santa and Mrs Claus. Standouts include Aldi’s Huntington Snow Globe collection, Kringle’s Reindeer Beer and Bath & Body Works Clausmopolitan – full up fun – festive style!


Caramel, ginger, spiked vanilla and coffee have been elevated alongside amber – which has been a big accord all year. Lavish notes have been made brighter with citrus and musk nuances – think golden musk and sparkling orange twists. Chocolate had an interesting return with creamy cocoa and pink variants.


Dark blue, cobalt blues and the starry night blues of Winter have inspired a whole heap of new snow and frost inspired scents. Even brands like Cartier have been inspired by the white ‘weather’ of the season with icy musks – and it’s not surprising given the skin musk addiction we have seen in the fine fragrance market this year.

  • Seasonal insights: 9 market influencing macrotrend trend stories that guide you through the season; in this case Winter + Holiday 2023 including an introduction summing up the essence of the trend and highlighting key ingredient notes.
  • Trend Mapping: These macrotrends are grouped by compelling, creative trend stories and market driving concepts such as ‘Festive Feels, ‘Cafe Noel’ and ‘Joyful Jingles’.
  • New launches + noteworthy ingredients: 81 new launches from market leading brands – including fragrance descriptions. Within the individual trend stories the tracker also highlights ‘noteworthy’ ingredients that are driving market trends.
  • Strategic implications:  This report provides a trend framework, breaking down the new launches into categories and trend stories to help you and the team focus on creating new scents, understanding olfactive evolution via trend concepts, answering briefs and bringing new products to global markets.
  • The 28 page report contents includes: 9 key trends guide us through the Winter + Holiday season – recapping 81 market evolving launches and highlighting 3 ‘noteworthy’ ingredient themes that are driving market trends.

This report forms part of our suite of macro forecasts looking at fragrance trends and forecasting the new focus notes and ingredients for the future. TrendAroma’s macro forecasts are produced with a global outlook ensuring they have broad relevance across all regional markets. Our trends are validated by data, industry examples and our specialist trend tracking methodology.

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